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You will need to log in to vote, search or to add a server.


•18w20 - The Approved server list is now randomized so every server gets the chance to be in the top.
•18w14 - Server appliacations can now be Marked as Beta, Work in Progress or Recruiting.
•18w14 - Server appliacations are now by default in 'Draft' state, you have to Choose the State 'Publish' for your server to send it for moderation.
•18w14 - Official servers list has been added to the top of the home page.


This Server list no longer accepts new Servers!

Servers in the list aren't necessarily confined to JinGames's mods and are for public use of the community!

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Approved Servers

Note: This list is randomized so every server has the chance to be in the top. It changes after a certain time, not by each refresh!

Rank ServerName ServerDetails